Chitika refer

Monday, July 6, 2009

Education for all

Name of Donors who help to give apportunity to students

Donors----------------- Country -----------------Status
1. Kristy Van Lammeren ------- Holland-----------------continued
2. Chris Vocht -------------- Holland -----------------Continue from two years
3. Jacobine -------------------- Holland ----------------- One time
4. Julia Clay -------------- England ------------------New

Name of students who got schoolarship.
Names ----------------Class ----------------- Status
1. Dilmaya Shrestha -------------12 ------------------continued
2. Sweekriti Thapa ------------- Nurseing------------- Continue
3. Surendra Shrestha -------------12-------------
4. Krishna Tamang ------------- 12-------------
5. Sushama Shrestha ------------- 9-------------
6. Min Bahadur Tamang------------- 5------------ Discontinued
7. Suprabha Thapa Magar------------9-------------
8. Manju Tamang ------------- 9 -------------
9. Supushpa Magar------------- 9-------------


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