In this modern age there are lots of country which are really ahead in every aspect. Lots of people of this world has almost every kinds of facilities. They are living wonderful life. They live their life as they want. They even can think others as well. They are well educated. They thought good for all. But there are lots of people in this world who have nothing about life. They even never can eat for live. They have to work day and night but they never get minimum requirement for life. They never get chance to think about others. There are lots of problem they have. That's why they never want to think about others. They just want to live their life. We all live in one world. So if the world is same then everyone have to think about this world. We have to change people's thought. If we have to change thought then we have to try to change their education level. So there are lots of countries where lots of people are unable to go to school because of littele money. There are already 1000 of organisatins who are working in this field. So everyone can choose the way of help.
I am living kathmandu. Kathmandu is capital of Nepal. I am a teacher since 14 years. During this period I got chance to meets ltos of people. I gave education to lots of students. Although this is the most nearer place of kathmandu there are lots of people who are unable to go to school. There are lots of reason that's why they are not going to school. So we can help them. We don't need lots of amount to help one students. 2 -5 dollar for month is enough to give education for 1 students.
There are already lots of people who are involving this work. There are nearly 10 students who got schoolarship. some of them get partial schoolarship and some of them got full schoolarship. Some of them get one time schoolarship and some are continusely getting schoolarship from two years.
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